Our Real-world Expertise Guarantees You’ll See Real Improvement Fast.

The GuruMaker team consists of executive coaches and leadership-development experts who bring to each engagement a unique blend of professional experience in a variety of fields, including business, government, theater, journalism and psychology.

Intensive confidential coaching: transform into a highly effective communicator

Turn your anxiety into the energy of a confident communicator

Discover how to win hearts and minds at the big event and in everyday interactions

Learn how to use the emotional power of narrative to inspire and motivate

Develop powerhouse skills to craft and deliver the right message for any audience

Come away with communications skills that project a powerful leadership brand

Master the techniques that will help you win over audiences and win business

Go from being seen as a salesperson to becoming a trusted business partner as you discover how to build rapport and credibility to create lasting and mutually beneficial relationships

Build a strong business case and storyline, and present it to internal stakeholders, venture capitalists or anyone whose buy-in and support you need. Anticipate and answer questions with confidence

Gain the skills to keep your cool, stay on message and produce the winning sound bite in front of microphones and cameras, even in ambush situations

Empower your employees with custom programs in areas critical to your organization’s success