Our Real-world Expertise Guarantees You’ll See Real Improvement Fast

The GuruMaker team consists of executive coaches, presentation skills and leadership development experts who bring to each engagement a unique blend of professional experience in a variety of fields, including business, government, theater, journalism and psychology.

Harrison Monarth CEO and Founder

Executive Coach and New York Times bestselling author Harrison Monarth coaches C-suite leaders, senior executives, high-potential managers and  other top professionals on effective communication and positive behavior change for professional and organizational success…

Jennifer Fox

Jennifer Fox

In a field often dominated by theory, Jennifer Fox developed her leadership, coaching and facilitation style based on a gap she observed that was preventing people from achieving their desired results: using clear language, practical application and personal accountability…

Jon FredaPh.D.

An executive coach and licensed psychologist with a strong film and theater background, Dr. Jon Freda uses improvisational acting techniques to help GuruMaker clients enhance their leadership behavior and communication style. His approach, developed with GuruMaker founder…

Larry Tracy

President Ronald Reagan praised Larry Tracy as “an extraordinarily effective speaker” for his speeches on controversial policy issues addressing some of the United States’ toughest audiences. Described by his superior as “the State Department’s most sought-after and articulate spokesman,”…

Laura BelstenPh.D.

As an executive coach specializing in leadership, communication and management, Dr. Belsten works with CEOs and senior-level executives on negotiating and influencing skills, organizational and political skills, working with difficult people, improving personal power…

Michael Collins

Michaels Collins is a veteran presentation-skills coach and actor, bringing his storytelling expertise to GuruMaker School of Professional Speaking. His approach is to fully understand client needs and help identify and tell the stories that represent the client’s core values and business objectives…

Fernanda Afonso

Fernanda is a commercially driven organizational psychologist with an outstanding track record of delivering innovative people solutions to drive better business performance and personal transformation for senior executives and high-potential individuals…

Doug Gamble

Political humorist Doug Gamble is best known for shaping the speeches and presentations of America’s most persuasive figures in politics, entertainment and business, including the great communicator, President Ronald Reagan, and George H.W Bush, in addition to numerous other political candidates…

Katelyn Nichols

Katelyn Nichols

As acting and media coach for GuruMaker, Katelyn Nichols coaches CEOs, executives, and professionals from varied industries on how to be perceived as confident, authentic, and engaging by their audiences. A professional voiceover, TV, and theatre actor, Katelyn draws from her expertise…