Craft and Deliver Messages That Connect with Your Audience

You may have the best product or service on the market. You may know your subject inside out. But if you can’t structure and deliver your message with the confidence to electrify a skeptical audience, you won’t go far.

In Presentation Skills For Executives, you’ll learn the shortcuts and techniques to help you connect with all kinds of audiences, whether you need to:
  • Make a high-stakes presentation or pitch an idea
  • Defend your course of action
  • Handle tough questions
  • Persuade audiences to take action

Our multidisciplinary team of professionals draws from theater and performance to the latest scientific research on perception, values, belief systems and human behavior to help you get results with powerhouse presentation skills.

You’ll confidently craft and deliver messages that make your audience think and take action. You’ll develop the skills to use PowerPoint and other presentation software to drive home your points. Video practice sessions help you master both substance and style.

  • Build confidence and project personal magnetism
  • Structure presentations for maximum impact
  • Translate complex information into simple and powerful messages
  • Get your major points across fast
  • Read an audience and adjust content and style while you are speaking
  • Present persuasively in pressure-cooker situations
  • Create powerful openings and closings
  • Connect emotionally and intellectually
  • Master voice projection, inflection and using body language effectively
Our programs can be designed to meet the needs of any type of executive or management team, intact or cross-functional work teams, or to individuals (including individual contributors) gathered from different parts of an organization.

This programs can address small groups of 10 – 25 or larger populations of up to 200 leaders of the organization, split into smaller cohorts of people, with each cohort working with one of our expert coaches. Customization around specific development and leadership needs is part of every workshop. (Can also be conducted as a 1-on-1 private coaching program.)

Depending on your needs, our programs can be delivered over the course of an intensive half-day, 1-day, 2-day or 3-day session, as well as over longer periods for spaced learning and special project work between modules.

Contact us now, or call us at 866-740-4176 to learn how to capture your audience or explore our other programs below.

The GuruMaker Methodology