Private Coaching for Public Excellence

Intensive confidential coaching: transform into a highly effective communicator

From client pitches and boardroom presentations to town-hall meetings and the hallway conversations that influence major decisions, the nuanced ability to communicate successfully with multiple audiences and stakeholders is a must-have skill for professionals at every level. And when you work with the GuruMaker team, it’s a skill you’ll own.

You tell us where you’re going and who you need to speak to on the way, and we’ll devise a fully personalized communication program that fits. Perhaps you need to prepare for a single, crucial event — a shareholder meeting, a major client pitch, a conference address, a media appearance, a political speech, a courtroom battle — or perhaps you want to improve your communication and interpersonal skills for long-term career development.

Through a unique multidisciplinary approach combining neuroscience, communications theory, psychology and theater, our expert coaches will transform you into an articulate, effective communicator.

Our experiential learning process is guaranteed to deliver positive results. Your tailored program involves real-life scenarios, real-time feedback and expert guidance to help you project a powerful and effective presence in even the most challenging situations.

Each program is personalized to your needs, so what you’ll learn depends entirely on the specific new behaviors and skills you wish to develop.

Our clients have learned to…

  • Convey complex ideas clearly and persuasively
  • Overcome anxiety and regulate emotions when in high-stakes situations
  • Project executive presence in front of senior leaders, stakeholders, customers, partners and the media
  • Balance logic and emotion in presentations and relevant interpersonal situations, from hallway conversations to leadership meetings.
  • Win people’s trust and motivate them to act
  • Generate buy-in and broaden strategic influencing skills
  • Master difficult conversations with clients, direct reports and superiors
  • Develop clear, focused, and compelling core messages
  • Read people and accurately perceive hidden signals
  • Hone strategic storytelling skills for specific outcomes
  • Handle Q & A sessions with confidence and competence

After learning about your unique circumstances, your goals, and what you hope to accomplish with a private coaching program, we’ll use our proven approach to develop a high-impact learning experience that delivers the results you need.

Private coaching helps professionals, entrepreneurs, managers and leaders at all levels transform their communication skills. Our coaching clients are as varied as the programs we create for them: CEOs and senior executives, high-potential managers, heads of major business units or functions, technical experts, operational experts, board members and start-up entrepreneurs.

We also count Olympic athletes, lawyers, surgeons, space engineers, forensic accountants, architects, media personalities and military officers among our diverse clientele.

Customization around specific development and leadership needs is part of every workshop.

Depending on your needs, our private coaching programs can be delivered over the course of an intensive 2-day or 3-day session.

We are happy to schedule sessions over weekends or as convenient ½ day sessions, spaced apart, to minimize time out of the office.

Also, some private coaching clients choose to work with us over longer periods of 6-12 months.

Contact us now, or browse our core programs below for initial inspiration for your tailored program.

The GuruMaker Methodology